You can file a refund request by calling 800-829-1954. You can either speak to a representative or file your request via the automated process. (Please note that this number is toll-free).
IRS Tax Offices / District of Columbia / IRS tax office in Washington, DC
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Looking for an IRS office near washington, dc? Here, you can find the contact and location information for IRS office in washington, dc. You can get details such as the exact street address, email address, and appointment phone number.
Walk-in offices work by appointment, so please be sure to call ahead and make one before your visit. You can use the provided IRS phone number for this purpose.
You can file a refund request by calling 800-829-1954. You can either speak to a representative or file your request via the automated process. (Please note that this number is toll-free).
You can check the status of your refund request using any of these three methods:
You can learn more about calling the IRS for checking up on your refund status on this page.
Depending on which state/region you are in, the location for submitting the tax return will be different.
To find your specific mailing address, go to and log in to your account. Then, follow this path:
File > Individual > Where to File
You will then be given a list of states from where you can pick yours. Once you make the selection, you will be given the exact mailing location.
Please note that the mailing address can differ depending on the form you want to submit.
You can find your closest IRS local office by checking the directory on our website. You can also visit the official IRS location finder by clicking on this link.
With the official IRS location finder, you will be required to enter a zip code. The app will then show you the available office locations.
An IRS audit is when your financial details and information are scrutinized to see whether your submitted file return was correct or not. During the audit, things like your business transaction records and accounts are also examined to check for discrepancies.
You can change the business address using form 882 - B.
When filing your tax return, you have to make sure that your name and social security number match the ones mentioned on your social security card. If you’ve changed your name, you can report it to the Social Security Administration.
If the name and SSN on your tax return match with your social security card, there will not be any unusual delay in the processing.
To avoid phishing scams, don’t open or respond to any unsolicited emails that you receive from senders that claim to be related to or affiliated with the IRS. Phishing is the process of sending fake messages to senders to prompt the disclosure of sensitive data.
If you have received an unsolicited email from a sender claiming to be from the IRS, you can report it at
On the other hand, if you have fallen victim to any phishing scam, you can file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You should, at the same time, make a report to the TIGTA (Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration).
20 Reviews For IRS Tax Office in washington, dc